Aktuelles, Revolutionale Network
“Imagine you arrive at the scene of a car accident. What would you check first: their pulse or their passport?” Human rights activist and researcher Seán Binder’s Revolutionale 2023 keynote speech.
The documentary on June 24 at the Cinématèque shows three extraordinary Belarusian activists. The screening will be followed by a discussion with the director Juliane Tutein and a human rights activist by Razam e.V.
Aktuelles, Event, Festival 2024
October 3 – 10 at the Amphitheater on Wilhelm-Leuschner Platz and satellites. With readings, music, artistic interventions and discussion events, the festival invites visitors to broaden their perspective, reflect critically and share their own experiences and memories.
Talks_Interviews 2023
Interview | International Roundtable Conference 2023 | journalist Dilek İçten, Media and Migration Association
Talks_Interviews 2023
Interview | International Roundtable Conference 2023 | Human Rights Lawyer Mariam Antonyan, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor