2024 Festival for Change

Challenging Conditions

A festival with local and international artists, eye witnesses and activists in Leipzig. Together we investigate protest movements and resistance against authoritarian regimes from 1989 until today, especially in the former communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

Challenging Conditions

We observe the rise of anti-democratic and authoritarian forces in Central and Eastern Europe with great concern. The high approval ratings for right-wing, anti-democratic parties throughout Europe, disinformation and propaganda, the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the systematic repression of the Belarusian opposition, the ethnic cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh and Russian influence in Georgia are shocking evidence of the threat to democratic and pluralistic values.

As the heart of any vibrant and critical civil society, art and culture play a special role in this situation: not only can they reflect and document historical and current socio-political events, they can also show and foster the fight for the survival and emancipation of cultural identities. In doing so, they are in a sense also the backbone of resistant civil societies against regressive and right-wing narratives and the oppressive strategies of authoritarian systems. Artists and cultural workers engaging with socio-political issues often do so at the risk of their career and/or their personal safety. They defy the circumstances and challenge themselves as well as the strategies of oppression to which they are exposed. It is them we seek to support and their effort we want to make more visible. Their contributions are key to any form of progressive social change.

With readings, music, artistic interventions and discussion events, the Festival for Change invites you to broaden your perspective, reflect critically and share your experiences and memories. To us, recognizing and considering each other’s perspectives can be hughely beneficial when working towards free, open and tolerant societies.

The Festival for Change strives for multilingualism and offers translations into English and German where possible. Admission to all events is free.


Laura Körner, Daniela Delphine Döring, Anna Helena Schmidt

Olga Podgaiskaya, Vitali Appow

Nix Noies

Gerd Kroske


Vlad Petri, Lavinia Braniște

Viktoria Leléka, Yuriy Seredin, Daniil Zverkhanovskyi, Mareille Metzner, Sandra Nedeleff, Jan Uplegger, Patrick v. Blume

Tereza Yakovyna, Vira Khosun, Paulina Miu Kühling, Matthias Schönjahn


Radikal Kunst Force

Anna Barth, Florian Lippold, Piotr Kocyba

Taciana Niadbaj, Iryna Kozikava

Foundation of the Peaceful Revolution

Andreas Weihe, Dmitrij Strotsev

Thank you!

Our sincere thanks go to the curators, all artists and collectives, speakers and all our cooperation partners for so successfully working with us and enriching the festival. Last but certainly not least, we would like to thank all our supporters, helpers and sponsors for their trust and commitment.

Funded by


This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.